Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Turning the River Green

What a nice spring morning to go on our first bike outing. Being there able to meet friends and neighbors enjoying this tradition. Ending a fun filled day was a dinner at Marsha's home where an honorary Rivermet Gang member Karla was able to join us. The evening of fun, food and drink was enjoyed by all. We are all excited about our next outing.

Monday, March 2, 2009

So Ready for Spring!!!!!!

We went to the Home and Garden Show at the Memorial Coliseum on Sunday. It was so nice to see flowers and new ideas. Now I really have spring fever. We had a chance to speak with the representatives from the city about the rain garden program and we were happy to see they had a rain barrel on display and instructions on making them. We also had a chance to speak with Rhea Gratz from Dewald Gardens; she was excited to tell us that Dewald Gardens in on the city’s list of the places to go for information on rain gardens.

I am ready to finish cleaning up the twigs from the ice storm and dig in the dirt. I am also anxious to see if the was any damage to our rain garden from the tree falling on it and then the people walking in it to cut up the tree. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

We are looking forward to so many things. It won’t be long before we will be watching baseball at Parkview Field, going on our evening bike rides, planting flowers, going to the Patio at the Gas House, (I am having Saloon Salad withdrawal.), walking downtown for the various events, and spending long hours on the front porches of the Rivermet Gang.